This site is open for everyone to publish there commentary on an anime or manga they saw or read. For those who are interested in posting about an anime please make sure you include its title, the number of episodes, the genre, the year it was aired -google it!- a brief summary of the plot, your comments, your rating from 1 to 10 - 1 goes for awful and 10 for sugoi; awesome, also if you have lot of free time you can write a bit about the main characters or add a video with the opening/closing theme or funny moments from the anime -youtube it guys >.<!

If you want to post about a manga please don't forget the title, its status; if it's ongoing or completed, number of the chapters, what genre it is, the year it was first published, the writer/artist, brief summary, your commentary, your rating; same with the anime 1 to 10 and you may also add pictures from it either the covers/colored pages or even directly black-n-white from the manga -this is preferred, just to see the drawings of the mangaka (= manga artist)! You can get all these information from this very useful site:

You MUST add the link where you saw or read the anime/manga. For example,, etc etc etc....

In the end you have to write "Published by __your_name__ "

Thank you for reading and FALLOWING as much as you could the instructions

Natasha Tsolaki

P.S. I'm not forcing you to fallow the instructions, but you HAVE TO! :)

DO IT! Muhahahahah....


Click and read! Very Important!

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